Sunday, August 17, 2014

“A meta-analysis of the association between induced abortion and breast cancer risk among Chinese females”.

Cherished dogmas are never to be questioned, say elites

Written by Editor on .
We are not scientists, but as we said recently why such hysteria when Senator Abetz answered a question on Channel 10's  The Project about  abortion and  breast cancer?
The Project has been gracious enough to interview us so we don't go along with the smart alec question: ''What was Senator Abetz doing going on The Project?'' You might as well ask the same question about the ABC's Q&A.   
Anyway all Senator Abetz did was to refer to a line of scientific studies finding a link.
Then panellist Mia Freedman  declared infallibly  “It is conclusively and scientifically incorrect” just as Senator  Abetz was cut off mid-sentence.

As an example of research pointing to a link , Angela Shanahan  refers to a 2014 study  “A meta-analysis of the association between induced abortion and breast cancer risk among Chinese females”, published in the journal Cancer Causes & Control in February, epidemiologist Yubei Huang and colleagues reviewed 36 studies that investigated this link in several Chinese provinces.''

The she points to the way the media censor material which challenge cherished dogma: ''.. Google the terms “China”, “breast cancer” and “abortion”, and you won’t find anything in the first 40 results from The New York Times, The Guardian, The Sydney Morning Herald or The Australian about the Tianjin University study. It has been left to pro-life groups to circulate. Is this because what happened to Chinese women cannot be relevant to US, Australian or British women?''

Whenever the establishment says the science is settled, we should be on our guard. Remember when  the medical establishment also derided the finding by Australian Professor Barry  Marshall, and Dr Robin Warren that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori was the cause of most peptic ulcers, for which they  were subsequently awarded the Nobel Prize. 

It's worse when the elites are defending some cherished dogma.


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